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Showing posts from March, 2007

i finished something!

these are the title pages for my albums in my bps library of memories class. now i need to get started on the section pages... just another thing to accomplish on my list!

where have i been

and why have i not been blogging. i guess there is no "real" excuse. maybe lack of things to say...i will try to improve in this catagory. the kids and i just got back from 2 days in michigan. i taught 2 classes this weekend both saturday & sunday so i had worked hard on those the previous week. so i felt i needed to give them some quality play time and the only way they can be sure i will not work is if we leave the state. i always feel so useless then when for 2 days straight i sit and do nothing. that is how i always feel in michigan. i sit and read the latest people magazine, any past ones i may have somehow missed and drink wine and eat. dont get me wrong, it is nice to do all those things, but when you are used to working in some sort of way it seems like you are accomplishing nothing during those times. my classes this weekend were fun. we did some baby pages with rub ons. i have been working on a few new pages and been getting caught up in my bps class. that is my