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Showing posts from January, 2015


here it is… my random throw back thursday.  these were great pictures, the series of them that is. it was the fourth of july 2009 and apparently J was done taking pictures.  i love so much in this pic: those thighs…seriously!! the curls…she still has them and hates them! that sweet boy with his slicked hair graces twinkly eye sticking out chewy waiting patiently that skinny boy that green grass, now all i see is white. 

oh hey friday…crock pot?

what a crazy busy week, I'm ready for friday and to sit down and read all the oh hey friday link ups! here we go…        you write up 5 things, anything! link it up with  September Farm  and  The Farmers Wife  and that's it. 1 - crock pot challenge - first off is  crop pot one or two words? crockpot crock pot? spell check recognizes both and on the actual crock pot it is Crock .  Pot  oh well i digress... yep, you are being challenge by a crock pot, ok not really…but kind of.  this is a free group i am putting together here are the details: 5 days starting this tuesday the 20th and goes through saturday the 24th clean eating  a private facebook group so it is interactive and fun interactive is key, i want to know what you think about the recipes and the clean eating i provide a grocery list i provide the menu and recipes you can make substations  if needed you get in...

oh hey friday…do you want to place a bet?

                                           you write up 5 things, anything! link it up with  September Farm  and  The Farmers Wife  and that's it. 1 - maybe you have set some goals for 2015. would you be willing to put a wager on a weight loss goal?  not that the scale is the success of your health and fitness, some people become more motivated to stay engaged in healthy eating and fitness when they have a wager on it.  that is where dietbet comes in! i have recently started a  Dietbet Challenge  with my most recent challenge group, but it is open to anyone, the more the merrier and more important...the bigger the pot! what is a dietbet? it is an online service that allows you to place a wager, $30 in this case, to commit to losing 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks.  if you do, you and the rest of the group who has suc...