yep, that is right, my girl has been a teenager officially for a month now, so it is probably time for me to write about it. as always…her 13th birthday was a crazy busy day school work practice banquet but we still managed to get her to her dinner choice, the b spot , she wanted one of those bad a** milkshakes, yum! she also wanted an iPhone, so since she is a teen, gets great grades and i pretty much leave her in random places for her activities we decided it was time for one and guess what? she has only had it taken away twice since she got it! ha! anyway…the phone was set up, wrapped up and awaiting in the gift bag so i called it. bspot is a little loud, so she couldn't hear it ringing, so i just had to hand it to here and tell her i thought this was for her. she was thrilled, of course! along with the phone came a three page contract (thank you tiffany) setting expectations and advising some unsolicited, but very...
getting it done - retired from drinking - and keeping it all together, together.