I have a dear friend, his name is Joel. We have been friends for a very long time, I cant even tell you how we met, or how we started hanging out or how much he means to me. Joel is sick...sick with what he thought was a stomach ache that had turned into something more than a stomach ache. He was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer that has traveled to his liver & his pancreas. Last night i sat with Joel for awhile , as he explained to me everything in his calm, quite, one tone, even voice. It was heart wrenching, Joel is the strongest person I know and can take the most amount of pain as anyone i could know and he is beginning the biggest battle today as he got his first dose of chemo. I'm so helpless for my dear friend, when i was leaving him he asked me what he could do for me, that is how he is, he is worried about me. I need Joel to fight, to get mad and i need more time with Joel.
getting it done - retired from drinking - and keeping it all together, together.