it is friday again and this is how it goes down…
write up a little post about five things. anythings.
link back to the farmers wife and/or september farm
2. i celebrated a birthday this past monday. 41 isn't too bad, i feel better then i did at 21 and defiantly healthier than i was at 2`1, now that i think about it a minute i would not want to be 21 again. now 31, i may take that and would have made some healthy habits a little earlier on. anyway, it was a great day with my great co-workers spoiling me and my family when i got home. fun stuff!

3. we are having pictures taken tonight. this always stresses me out a ton! i am vowing to myself now that i won't let this get to me, i will be calm. amy always does a great job and the kids are great for her. currently 3 out of the 3 that are home are throwing fits, including the 11 year old. i am hoping the crying fit will end as i know the drama of a 6 year old never will. as i sit and type i can hear them both upstairs crying, which is more annoying. the boy is outside playing basketball under protest, well not so much protest but he set the timer for an hour because he played on his iPad for an hour. it has been 8 minutes and he has come in to check the time 3 times. but back to amy, she is great and these are some of the past pics she has taken of my peeps.
before there even was a mae mae, now i cannot imagine life without her.
4. crying kids update…i think the oldest one has passed out! i cannot speak about the 6 y/o, she is a tricky one and plays up in her bed, see she is a hoarder, and she hoards all her stuff in her bed so she keeps busy when she is up there. good chance she gave up the crying and is now looming a bracelet, or painting her nails, or reading a book, or playing american girl, or piling fleece blankets all over herself. she has a lot going on up there. here they are a little happier.
5. and to end this fun, i just spilled a whole bottle of water all over my keyboard and mouse. after a quick clean up i think everything is working again. my productive day has been not so productive. i am hoping the week end shapes up to be better.
have a great friday!
Can't wait to see the new family pics - I'm a sucker for those every time! All of the ones from the past are SO cute!!!
Thanks for linking up with me and Karli!!