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day 2 I'm up

so today i set my alarm 10 minutes earlier. i did this because i went to bed last night, earlier than i had sunday night, i knew i wanted to bump my time up. 

ideally i would like to hit 530am but for now i will be thrilled with 545am. the weird thing that is happening is that i am waking up several times before the alarm even goes off, it is like my body is creating its own snooze button. it is kind of annoying because i am not looking at the clock, just awake for less than a minute then back to sleep. 
i am really hoping this ends and i sleep better, tonight i am going to try some lavender oil. 

so here i sit, drinking my first 32 ozs of water for the day, with a blanket because i am cold, working on the scripture i am memorizing for the week and even reviewing another one that randomly happened to be in my instagram feed this morning. that one is kind of freaking me out a little bit. 

im tired
i want to go back to bed
i just heard a creepy noise in my garage
but I'm up, completing my challenge
day 2 is a success! 
