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so much to say...or type

really! i really do have so much to type and these are some of the things i have to tell you about:
  • our awesome Disney trip
  • middle school volleyball
  • virtual boot camps
  • falling off the wagon
  • getting back on the wagon
and those are just the first five!
so here i am, committing to you my dear blog reader(s), to blog more often and about great insightful subjects, or maybe just those i want to blog about.

so i am going to start with virtual boot camp because that one has the quickest impact on you!

yes, yes, yes...
i am always saying why you should join my virtual boot camps, why you should work out with me, why you should join my incredible team.
here is a new reason why, in addition to all the others i have always typed to you about.
yes, this next one is going to boost that confidence through the sky!
core de force, that will be the program we will be doing and let me tell you, you are going to feel like a bad ass with this one.
if you are as old as me, or older, you remember the old Billy Blanks Tae Bo days?? oh my do you remember this??

well...core de force reminds me of that, but modernized of course.
it is a mix of kick boxing, mma, street fighting all wrapped up into an amazing, fun, calorie blasting, toning program!

i have done the sneak peeks of this program and i love the leaders and the program.
so we are going to get a jump start before the holidays. i want you to go into this holiday season with confidence, feeling strong and secure when you walk into those parties, confident on the dance floor, ok maybe you will need a little wine for that, but you get what i am saying! i am so pumped to be so in shape before the holiday hustle and we wont feel like we have to reset January 1. not this year...we are going into January feeling great.

are you ready?
do you have questions?
send them to me, because i want to answer them.

and i will be back this week, sharing more.
