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athleta top 5

friday!! so im linking up with oh hey friday or better yet, for my oh hey friday im talking my top 5 athleta picks.
i love athleta, shocking.  i have been a gap girl most of my life, back in the high school day when i wore rugby shirts, button downs, long sweaters, all in size xl.  i actually wasnt a size xl, but in the 80's-90's oh xl was so so popular.  the bigger, the baggier the better.  now i probably am an xl, and maybe should be wearing that size...but that is for another post. athleta is gap, so it just makes sense it is my go to for not only fitness clothes, but just cute stuff!

and bigger bonus...i get to teach insanity there!  every weekend my local store, crocker park, offers free classes.  it is great because you can try out all different types of workouts and then shop...ummm win!  did i mention the class is free.  so just when you think you may fall over from exhaustion, you look around and see those cute tights you want to wear, or that bathing suit hanging in front of you and it keeps you motivated to stay in it! check out your local store, i betcha they have classes too.

tomorrow morning i am teaching insanity, so pumped for that!  i love sharing my insanity love, and more so love motivating people with a great workout!

so for my oh hey friday 5 i am sharing my top 5 athleta hoping to score these over the next couple of weeks.

1//  lets just start off with the toughest one...swim suit.  i have so much trouble buy bathing suits, that is until athleta came along.  i need actual bra sizes for a top, the girls need to be locked in and held up, it is a full time job.  i mean even the description of this top says it all.

BRA-SIZED SUPPORT. Underwire design with molded cups lifts and supports the girls like individuals

thank you athleta designers, thank you!
and to make it even better, you mix and match, so you pick the style you want for the top and bottom. i just love those blousy tops and so many options for bottoms,  that makes me and my areas that need to be covered, very happy.

bathing suit shopping, not bad, almost enjoyable.  if/when my arms look like these, it will even be more enjoyable!

2//  i am also a big fan of these rashguards.  um, not for the reason that they are named after, i am not diving down deep into the ocean.  my use for them is as a cover up.  super cute to keep everything in only to be taken off when i am strategically placed in my chair and properly prepared to lay in the sun.  read that as ensured everything is in place prior to the rash guard coming off.  they make it more like a sporty outfit, win/win.

3//  im a huge fan of athleta dresses.  i have a few and love them.  so comfy, great fit, nice and cool and super cute.  you can dress them up with heels and jewelry, or just throw it on to run out.  i need to try this one on, nice and breezy, flowy, summery, comfy.  everything i would dream a dress would be and more!  now i just need somewhere to go in it.

4//  i may have picked up this sweatshirt a bunch of times.  i may have petted it, and it may just be the softest thing ever.  it may just be time for me to break down and take it home with me.  if i did, i may just hang it up and look at each day and pet it. im not is so super soft!

5// wearing these babies tomorrow, i have already snatched these up and cant wait to test them out.  these salutation pants are the  they hold it all in and stay up!! that is key, it drives me out of my mind when i have to keep hiking my pants up during a run or workout.  i know the people around me appreciate it when my pants stay up too.  again, thank you athleta designers, thank you.  and the mesh and the cute cut out...i just love it!
i must add, these are all practical purchases i plan on making.  i mean, staples, that i can have for an extended period and i will get tons of use out of them.  again, win/win.

what are your must have's?
