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Take good care of them

we are a full week back to school now, they even have already had their first day off!  im that mom who is sad when summer is winding down, for lots of reasons, but this summer i just didnt want it to end.

i like having them home
i like the later nights outside
i like snuggling in bed with them late at night
i like movie nights
i love not making lunches

but most of all, i love that i have always had one of my kiddos in the car with me going to work each morning.  this summer, that all changed.

now they all get on a bus, the oldest one gets in a CAR, not driven by me!! my youngest little bucket o sunshine is now gone all day in kindergarten. it  

she oh so confidently got on that bus, not a care or worry.  not a single butterfly in her belly.  it helps we have the best bus driver on the planet.  seriously, miss tracy had a heart attack the week before school started, but still rode the bus the first week so the kids would know she would be there, she couldn't miss the first day! she truly loves the kids, hugs them each morning and cries the last day of school. 


now, i know, i know, she is more than ready, she needed the structure, she wants to learn, she is outgoing, helpful, kind and absolutely ready for kindergarten.

the teachers are amazing, kind and patient.  the staff just awesome.  but it is just something about the fact she is not just a building over, that peace of having her right there near me all day.

i always say, change is hard, i know this!  change is good!  she was ready for the change and has embraced and jumped right in with the change to kindergarten.  away from the comfort of teachers whom have been with her nearly her whole life, who know her quirks and triggers, but i also know her new teachers will do the same and they all have the most exciting times ahead.

i will always miss the days of them being home with me though.

so take good care of my kiddos, of city schools.  keep my kindergartner loving school, carefree and outgoing.  keep my 4th grader sassy, smart and silly, keep my boy engaged and carefree and keep my first born smart, level headed and strong.  you have them for the larger part of their day and i will do my work evenings and weekends.

in less than 180 school days i will be back on break from lunch packing!
