dh todd sends me an email this afternoon (thursday) about a baby shower they are having at work...FrIDAy! he has signed up to bring hot dogs, chips oh... he also needs a gift. it is 245am and i have just finished up making a cute little journal album for him to take as a gift for a coworker tomorrow. apparently it is a girl & her first baby so i thought this would be a nice gesture to be able to journal all those little baby things she will want to remember, (and you dont remember all of them unless you write them down) maybe add some pictures. what do you want to bet the girl does not scrap? does not know yet that she will forget all those little details that i have made this cute album to record them in.
i will make a slide later of the inside...to tired now, lots of work to do tomorrow. g-night.
getting it done - retired from drinking - and keeping it all together, together.