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Oh Hey Friday

it is Friday again! time for Oh Hey Friday linked up with September FARM  and The Farmers Wife ! i must say last week i had a ton of fun reading all the linked blogs. if you have found your way here through there, leave me a comment, i would love to know that.
i have pretty much just eaten this all week. i love hummus and this brand is my fav and this week i have had it i ate a whole family size this week and i polished another one off after a great run on monday evening at  my best running pals house. i think i need an intervention.

maybe to help balance out the amounts of hummus i ate, the water i drank did some good.  i really tried this week to focus on getting a gallon of water a day in me.  before i got out of bed each day i would down a 32oz bottle. i do feel better, and bloated, but i am hoping if i can keep this up that bloating will go away. stay tuned.

this boy cracked his iPad screen over the weekend so last night we spent some time with our friends at the genius bar.  they are so great btw. as we were coming home wyatt was very distraught that they were going to take his 'old' iPad and melt it and recycle the materials.  it broke his heart because he loved that iPad so much and he felt like he was just abandoning it. he said to me 'mom i know it isn't alive, but part of me feels like it is'. i love his sweet soul, kindness and apathy. 

this was crazy the other day, do you see the tops of these trees in the picture?  see how they are all yellow?  grace and i were trying to figure out what that yellow was. the sun had already set in the front yard, this view is from the side of the house, so we didn't think it was the sun.  it looked as if the leaves were starting to change but only on the tops of all those trees and we were super bummed out about that.  we sat there for a bit watching it trying to figure it out.  about 10 minutes later we were upstairs and looked to that same view out the bedroom window and the tops were all green as the rest of the tree. so apparently it was the sun, but it was so crazy because like i said the sun had set, it was cloudy and the sun, if out, was completely on the other side of the house. just weird, and random, but isn't that what this whole oh hey friday is all about! 

my girl was a trooper this week.  she has quite a few moles all over her body but i had noticed a few months ago two on her back were weird looking and had changed over the years.  we had a trip to our favorite dermatologist and he suggested he just 'scoop one out' to have it tested right then and there.  she was caught off guard but jumped on the table and was very nervous even though she didn't want to let it show.  our favorite dermatologist was so great telling her stories about when he was in 6th grade the whole time to distract her mind, and it worked!  mom, sat staring out the window, holding grace's hand of course,in fear i would catch a glimpse of something gross and fall over, knock my head and die on the spot. 

thats it for this friday. enjoy your weekend! 


amy johnson said…
I LOVE that hummus. SO tasty.
Bummer for the iPad screen. My phone screen is currently cracked... waiting for an upgrade soon. :)
Thanks for linking up with Karli and I! :)